Tactical Surge Gaming
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Sagittarius's Admin Application #2

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Sagittarius's Admin Application #2 Empty Sagittarius's Admin Application #2

Post  |SDoS| Sagittarius Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:25 pm


Question ONE: Please state your position on our server, citizen, CWU, MPF or OTHER (specify).

A) I am currently a MPF unit for COURT in your server.(MPF.UNION.05.13279)

Question TWO: Please state how long you have played on the Tactical Surge Gaming HL2RP Server.

A) I have been playing on your server for a week.

Question THREE: Please state three reasons why you believe you should be an admin on our server. Then state what is different about you from other applicants.

A) I generally believe that I should become an admin because I tend to make sure that all rules are followed by our players. My second reason why I should become an admin is: I do see a majority of players new to serious roleplay and believe I can teach them how to roleplay in a serious matter. My final reason why I should becom an admin for your server is because I do see many players grief the server, especially when it comes to passive roleplay( it may be because they are new, or they just want to have some "fun" by griefing), and want to help stop out players from being griefed.

I do believe I have a few differences from the other admins. One of these differences is that I ALWAYS point out what a player is doing wrong. I do see some admins failing to do this, which may damage the server's reputation. Another difference I believe I have from all the other admins is that I commonly check thelogs when I am online. Sometimes (not on this server, from what I believe) a player is minge tied, making him OOC chat his problem. But, a question came to me, "Why didn't admins catch this sooner? The logs do say who is tieing who (inv_ziptie_use).

Question FOUR: Do you have past administrative experience? (yes, no)


If yes, are you still an admin? (yes,no)

A) No.
If you are no longer an admin, why are you no longer in that position? (explain)

A) I have lost my admin because the owner of the server tends to grief his own server commonly. This was really annoying to both staff and players. So, I decided i had enough and wanted to "leave with a bang" which led to the permaban of the owner, and demotion and ban from one admin I believed to ban me. The owner got on the console demanded why I banned him, I told him what he was doing and what we staff and players think about it., which let to my permaban.

Question FIVE: Please state why you have chosen to apply for ADMIN on Tactical Surge Gaming.

A) I have chosen to apply for admin on Tactical Surge Gaming because I feel that I can handle the responsibility of helping out players who need admin help. Whether it has to do with roleplay help, or dealing with a minge, I will tend to all.

Question SIX: If you were in a situation where you were faced by two punchwhores randomly killing citizens, what would be your approach?

A) I will be answering this question in a custom way.

*Citizen 3 has taken damage by Minge 2 with aura_hands*
*Citizen 3 has taken damage by Minge 2 with aura_hands*
*Citizen 3 has taken damage by Minge 1 with aura_hands*
*Citizen 3 has taken damage by Minge 1 with aura_hands*
* Sagittarius has used observer*
(LOOC) Sagittarius says: Stop.
*Both minges stop punching the AFK citizen*
(LOOC) Sagittarius says; Guys, please stop punching the user. It is against the rules and if continued, I will have to ban you.
(LOOC) Minge 1 says: Okie.
(LOOC) Minge 2 says: ok
---A few moments pass---
*Citizen 3 has taken damage by Minge 2 with aura_hands*
*Citizen 3 has taken damage by Minge 2 with aura_hands*
*Citizen 3 has taken damage by Minge 1 with aura_hands*
*Citizen 3 has taken damage by Minge 1 with aura_hands*
*Sagittarius has used observer*
(LOOC) Sagittarius: Stop.
*Both minges stop punching the AFK user*
(LOOC)Sagittarius; Guys, I have given you a warning not to do this, we admins are generally supposed to immediately ban punchminges like you. But, I have given you a chance. You two will now be banned perminately.
*Sagittarius has used /plyban minge 1 0 Punchminging a AFK user, please go to surge-gaming.forumotion.com to negotiate about your ban.*
*Sagittarius has used /plyban minge 2 0 Punchminging a AFK user, please go to surge-gaming.forumotion.com to negotiate about your ban.*

Question SEVEN: What are your desires for our server? Where do you wish the server to be in a few months time?

A) My main desire for the server is the complete freedom of griefers. And for the server to become a very popular serious-roleplaying server.

Question EIGHT: How long have you been playing Half Life 2 Roleplay?

A) About five-to-six months now.

Question NINE: How old are you?

A) i am currently 15.

Question TEN: What is your time zone? (e.g. Pacific Standard Time, MST)

A) My time zone is Pacific Standard Time.

Question ELEVEN: What do you think makes a good admin?

A) I believe my seriousness towards players and griefers makes my a good admin. An example of this can be found in question six.

Question TWELVE: If you were an admin for Tactical Surge Gaming, would you follow the guidelines and server rules, as well as represent the TSG Community, in a professional manner?

A) Yes, if I became an admin for Tactical Surge Gaming, i will follow the guidelines and server rles, as well as represent the TSG Community in a professional matter.

|SDoS| Sagittarius
|SDoS| Sagittarius

Posts : 15
Join date : 2012-04-09

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